

Andrew West was born in Greenville, Mississippi, and was raised in Maple Grove, Minnesota from early childhood.

He attended Perpich Center for Arts Education in Golden Valley, Minnesota where his writing career and passion for creative writing began to flourish. From there he attended Saint John's University in Collegeville, Minnesota where he concentrated on Creative Fiction and earned a degree in English Literature with an emphasis on Book Arts, Creative Writing, and Communication.


While in college, Andrew had a rather unique experience.

From November 23rd, 2015 to November 25th, 2016, he experienced something he calls 'Progressive Dreaming.' He expresses that every night for a year and two days, he would experience extremely vivid dreaming, where he would wake up the following morning remembering details of his dreams like the people, their conversations, the landscape, the animals and events, etc. The next night, his dreaming would start where it left off the night before, and the cycle would continue.

Andrew states, "It was somewhat like watching a movie. Luckily, I was compelled to write it down the first day and continued every day after that."

He ended the year and two days with over 8,000 pages and an incredibly unique story that puts the human experience to a final extraordinary test that will challenge not only the book's main characters' perceptions of life but the audience's as well. He is currently involved in the editing process and has split his dreams into 8 separate novels that he calls the Heaven's Gate Series.

He hopes to get his first book, Wrath Among Men, published in the near future. He is currently editing his second book, The Labyrinth of the Prideful King.